RegCool HelpFile

RegCool is an advanced registry editor

•RegCool HelpFile

RegCool is an advanced registry editor. In addition to all the features that you can find in RegEdit and RegEdt32, RegCool adds many powerful features that allow you to work faster and more efficiently with registry related tasks. Key Features - Multiple undo and redo - Search and replace - Compare registries - Cut, copy and paste - Drag and drop - Registry Snapshot - Backup and restore - Defragment. RegCool is Shareware, written in Unicode and runs on all Windows versions from Windows 2000 onwards.and is available in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Vietnamese and Korea 

Multiple undo and redo. - The undo history can be saved to disk and reloaded at startup

Search & replace - Search and replace registry keys, values and data with a super fast search algorithm. The search term can be replaced by another term in the search results. 

Compare - Compare registry between computers with super fast speed.  

RegShot-Function - Regshot allows you to quickly take a snapshot of your registry and then compare it with a second one - done after doing system changes or installing a new software product..

Cut, Copy & Paste - Cut, copy and paste registry keys and values. 

Drag und Drop - With Drag and drop you can quickly move or copy registry keys and values.  

Backup & Restore -Complete Backup and restore of the registry.

Defragment - Scan and optimize your registry by removing gaps and wasted space, thereby helping to improve system performance. If you choose to defrag your registry after the scan results, be prepared to reboot your machine. 

Favorites management - Easy and flexible Favorites management.  

Multiple local registry windows - Allow to open multiple local registry windows.

Secure registry keys - Allows you to open secure registry keys when running under the administrator privilege. 


Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on your computer. 


The Windows Registry contains information, settings, options, and other values for all versions of Microsoft Windows Operating Systems and programs and hardware installed in Windows. For example, when a program is installed in Windows a new subkey containing settings such as where the program is located, the version, what settings are enabled and disabled, how to start the program, etc. are added into the Windows Registry. 

Registry Root Keys (hive name)

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT HKCR Describes file type, file extension, and OLE information.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKCU Admins: full access, User: full access Contains user who is currently logged into Windows and their settings.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKLM Admins: full access, User: Read only Contains computer-specific information about the hardware installed, software settings, and other information. This information is used for all users who log on to this computer and is one of the more commonly accessed areas in the Registry.

HKEY_USERS HKU Admins: full access, User: restricted Contains information about all the users who log on to the computer, including both generic and user-specific information.

HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG HKCC Admins: full access, User: denied The details about the current configuration of hardware attached to the computer  

Registry Value Types

REG_BINARY Binary data in any form.

REG_DWORD A 32-bit number.

REG_EXPAND_SZ A null-terminated string that contains unexpanded references to environment variables (for example, "%PATH%").

REG_MULTI_SZ A sequence of null-terminated strings, terminated by an empty string (\0).

REG_SZ A null-terminated string 

To add a registry key

Click the registry key under which you would like to add a new key..

Click New Key on the Edit menu.

Type a name for the new key and then press ENTER.

Add a Value to a Registry Key

Click the key or entry where you want to add the new value..

On the Edit menu, point to New Value, and then click the type of value you want to add: String Value, Binary Value, DWORD (32-bit) Value, QWORD (64-bit) Value, Multi-String Value, or Expandable String Value.

Type a name for the new value and then press ENTER.

To rename a registry key or value

Click the key or entry you want to rename.

Click Rename on the Edit menu.

Type the new name, and then press ENTER.

To delete a registry key or value

Click the key or entry you want to delete.

On the Edit menu, click Delete.

Change a Value

Click the entry you want to change.

On the Edit menu, click Modify.

In Value data, type the data for the value and then click OK.

To add a registry key or value to Favorites

Select the registry key or value you want to add to Favorites.

On the Edit menu, click Add to Favorites. 

Copy a Registry Key Name

Click the key you want to copy and then click Copy Key Name on the Edit menu.

Paste the registry key name into another application or document.

Find a String, Value, or Key

Click Find on the Edit menu.

In Find what, type the string, value, or key you want to find.

Select the Keys, Values, Data, or Match whole string only check boxes to match the type of search you want, and then click Find..

Select the Search the entire registry or Search in key radio button as you wish. 

Replace in search results

In the search results, click Replace.

In the Replace dialog, enter the search term and under Replace enter the term you want to replace. Select the Search Keys, Search Values, Search Dates, and Match Case, Whole String check boxes to match the type of search you want. Click OK.


Binary values are not replaced. 

Connecting to a registry over a network

To connect to a registry over a network

In Registry Editor, on the File menu, click Connect Network Registry.

In the Select Computer dialog box, click Object Types, select the specific object you are searching for (usually Computers), and then click OK.

Click Locations, specify the location you want to search, and then click OK.

Type the name of the computer to whose registry you want to connect in Enter the object name to select and then click Check Names.

When the computer name resolves, click OK.

Disconnect network registry

To disconnect from a network registry, just close the related registry window.

Compare registries

On the Tools menu, click Compare Registries.

In the Compare dialog box, select the registries and registry keys you want to compare.

Click Compare. 

Offline Registry

RegCool is able to treat a number of registry hive files as a separate stand-alone registry. Specify a folder with registry structure files and load specific files from this folder as structures. The following files are loaded as corresponding subkeys of HKEY_CURRENT_USER: ntuser.dat, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, SYSTEM and HKEY_USERS: .DEFAULT. Only the following names are recognized in this folder: ntuser.dat, SAM, Security, Software, System and DEFAULT. If you want to load other Hive files, just e.g. rename the XYZ file to DEFAULT or Security and open it. Viewing and editing the keys security information is not implemented.

Click Open Offline Registration.

Determine the folder in which the Hive files are located. 

Individual HIVE files can also be loaded under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER

Edit .REG and .HIVE files Offline

Click on New Registration.
Create keys and values offline, import .reg or .hive files and save them as .reg or .Hive files after editing.
NOTE: When you close the active tab, you have the option of saving open keys as .Hive files.
Opening .reg files Offline using the Explorer context menu

Command line arguments

Command line options syntax

/h Output of the help file

/j [regpath] Opens RegCool and jumps to the key [regpath].

/s Silent mode. Performs an action without pausing for confirmation with dialog box.

/m Opens an additional RegCool instance that can be useful in troubleshooting for comparing registry entries.

/export [filepath] [regpath] Exports a registration key [regpath] to a file with the extension .reg [filepath].

/d [regpath] Removes a registry key [regpath] from the registry.

/import [filepath] Imports a [filepath] registry file into the Windows registry.

/s [filepath] Imports a registry file [filepath] into the Windows registry without confirmation.

/qc [server1;server2] Quickly connects to a remote registry.

Example: RegCool /export c:\temp.reg "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel" 

Example: RegCool /edit "c:\myfolder\temp.reg"

To create a snapshot of registry

Click RegShot on the Tools menu.

Select the opened registry

Click Take Shot 1.

After changes in registry click Take Shot 2.

Click Compare Registries. 

Backup local registry

Click Backup & Restore in the Tools Menu

Click Backup

Select the registry hives you want to backup and click OK

Restore local registry

Click Backup & Restore in the Tools Menu

Select the backup you wish to restore.

Click Restore

Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl+F Opens the Find dialog box

F1 Displays RegCool Help

F2 Renames the selected subkey or value

F5 Refreshes the key and value panes

F10 Opens the main menu of RegCool

Ctrl+Shift+F10 Displays the shortcut menu (right-click) for the selected subkey or value

Alt+F4 Closes RegCool

TAB Move between the key, value, history, search 1, search 2, compare, favorites and Reg Compare panes

Ctrl + Shift + T will reopen the last closed tab.

F6 Move between the opened registry tabs

Keypad + (NUM +) Expands the selected subkey's children

Keypad - (NUM -) Collapses the selected subkey's children

Keypad * (NUM *) Expand all sub keys of selected branch (this will take a few seconds if there're many subkeys)

Ctrl+C Copy the selected keys and values

Ctrl+X Cut the selected keys and values

Ctrl+V Paste the selected keys and values

Ctrl+E Export current key or entire registry to a file

Ctrl+Z Undo the last action

Ctrl+Y Redo the previously undone action

Ctrl+K Create a new key

Del Delete selected items

Ctrl+A Select all content

Ctrl+L Open new local registry tab

Ctrl+N Create new local registry file

Ctrl+O Open offline registry tab from folder

Ctrl+D Open offline registry tab from file

Enter Open selected value for editing

F7 Closes active tab

Up-arrow Selects the previous subkey

Down-arrow Selects the next subkey

Right-arrow Expands the selected subkey if collapsed; otherwise, selects its first child

Left-arrow Collapses the selected subkey if expanded; otherwise, selects the subkey's parent

Home Selects the key pane's topmost subkey

End Selects the key pane's topmost subkey

Ctrl+Shift+B Create new REG_BINARY value

Ctrl+Shift+D Create new REG_DWORD value

Ctrl+Shift+S Create new REG_SZ value

Ctrl+Shift+M Create new REG_MULTI_SZ value

Ctrl+Shift+E Create new REG_EXPAND_SZ value

Ctrl+Shift+G Create new REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN value

Ctrl+Shift+Q Create new REG_QWORD value

Ctrl+Shift+R Create new REG_RESOURCE_LIST value

Ctrl+Shift+F Create new REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR value


Installer Commandline

RegCool.exe /si This performs an unattended installation with default options. (silently)

RegCool.exe /Dir= Replace default folder with custom installation path.

more parameters

/re Create system restore point

/st Create start menu entries

/de Create desktop shortcut

/la Launch program after installation

/up automatically check for updates

/us install for all users

/lg installs with a language file identified by the ID (RegCool.exe /lg=lang_en)

RegCool.exe /si /dir=C:\DirectoryToInstall /re /st

would silently install RegCool.exe in the C:\DirectoryToInstall folder, create a system restore point and create start menu entries

ID for Language file identifiers

lang_de = German

lang_en = English

lang_fr = French

lang_es = Spanish

lang_hu = Hungarian

lang_pt = Portuguese

lang_nl = Dutch

lang_ru = Russian

lang_cs = Chinese (simplified)

lang_ct = Chinese (traditional)

lang_hi = Hindi

lang_jp = Japanese

lang_it = Italian

lang_tr = Turkish

lang_ar = Arabic

lang_ko = Korean

lang_sl = Slovenian

lang_bg = Bulgarian

lang_pl = Polish

lang_sw = Swedish

lang_pk = Urdu - Pakistan

lang_bd = Bengali (India)

lang_vn = Vietnamese

lang_su = Swahili

lang_id = Indonesian

lang_no = Norwegian

lang_dk = Danish

Supported regex-operators for search

. Dot, matches any single character, except a new line.

^ Caret, matches the start of the line or string of text that the regular expression is searching.

$ Dollar, matches the end of the line or string of text that the regular expression is searching.

* Asterisk, match zero or more + Plus, match one or more

? Question, matches zero or one of what comes before it.

{n} Match the preceding expression exactly n times.

{n,} Match n or more times

{n,m} Match the preceding expression a minimum of n times and a maximum of m times.

[abc] Match any of a, b, and c.

[^abc] A caret ^ at the beginning of the square bracket indicates “not”. In this case, match anything other than a, b, or c.

[a-zA-Z] Character ranges, the character set of the ranges { a-z | A-Z }

\s Matches a whitespace character, \t \f \r \n \v and spaces

\S Matches a non-whitespace character.

\w Matches an alphanumeric character., [a-zA-Z0-9_]

\W Matches a non-alphanumeric character.

\d Matches a digit [0-9].

\D Matches a non-digit.

| OR Operator (|): E.g., the regex four|4 accepts strings "four" or "4".